True Enlightenment
True Enlightenment
Series: True Enlightenment
Topic: Christmas
Book: 1 John, John, Matthew, Revelations
I suspect many people become a bit jaded by all the societal trappings that have been tied to Christmas – things that actually have nothing to do with the real meaning. In our society it’s even become difficult to truly express the wonder of the real meaning because we have become a people who so over-use superlatives that we are robbed of our capacity to adequately describe something in terms that sets it apart. Yet the good news of Jesus really is awesome and stupendous in the real sense of those words for with him comes true enlightenment.
1 John 1:5; Revelation 3:20
John 3:19; Matt 11:28-30; John 3:16-17; 1 John 4:10